Alice of Old Vincennes

by Maurice Thompson
Category: "Fiction - Historical"
Year of Publication:1900
Date Added:08/24/2020
Date Read:11/08/2020
Notes:Alice is a beautiful, headstrong English orphan girl living among the French settlers in Vincennes during the Revolutionary War. She falls in love with Captain Beverly, of the American army. When the British take the fort, Beverly sets out to join George Rogers Clark's force. The Americans under Clark take the fort from the British and save the Northwest Territory for the United States. There is all sorts of romance and drama involving Alice, Captain Beverly, and others in the town, but in the end, guy wins girl and all is well.
My Rating: 6

Reviews for Alice of Old Vincennes

Review - Alice of Old Vincennes

Very popular when it came out. The writing style is dated, although the story is still enjoyable enough.
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